Croquet Network

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Morning Coffee: New Schedule, CroquetPro and WCF Over 50

The April Issue of Croquet Network is wrapping up and should be out within days. Recently, I've been trying to post three times a week on the website with Morning Coffee coming on Mondays, but I've done some recent evaluating and that is cutting into my magazine schedule. So, I'm now looking to ease back a bit and go to two times a week with Morning Coffee on Tuesdays. You will also see me actively campaigning for another volunteer editor or editors for the website. Ideally, I feel like the site should have daily content, but it's going to take a few more people to get there. In addition, I'm also interested in finding contributors for the magazine on the east coast and in Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Contact me at for details.

There's been a lot of recent activity on Ben Rothman's CroquetPro blog. For starters, he has photos of beautiful Hunter custom mallet designed by Robert Morford. Secondly, he has posted the "Nerd and the Jock" tactical column that will appear in this month's issue of Croquet Network. Definitely a good approach to dividing up your thought process.

The WCF is moving forward with plans for an "World Over 50 Golf Croquet Championship" to be held this October in Egypt. This comes after the WCF sought feedback from member associations on the event along with a possible World Women's Association Croquet Championship. You can see the responses for the Women's event on the WCF website (currently down), but there does seem to be opposition based on the position that croquet is thought of as a gender-equal sport. There also seems to be concern that the WCF is diluting the "World Championship" title with to many events.

Here's a quick hit from the Ashburton Guardian in New Zealand on the Interprovincial Croquet Competition. Features a photo of 14-year-old player Kate Adams of Christchurch. Evidently, they are having success in New Zealand recruiting younger players.