News Clips: U.S. Selection Eight Results, Croquet News and Nine-Wicket Flash Movies

Selection Eight Reports / Bob Alman has a pretty good rundown on the U.S. Selection Eight results in the Croquet World forum. Here are the top two group placings as reported there (third eight released tomorrow):


1. Ben Rothman (10)
2. Danny Huneycutt (9)
3. Doug Grimsley (8)
4. Rich Lamm (7)
5. Jerry Stark (6)
5. Brian Cumming (6)
7. Jim Bast (5)
7. Paul Billings (5)


1. Rick Wilhoite (12)
2. Stuart Lawrence (8)
3. Bob Kroeger (7)
3. John Osborn (7)
3. Brit Ruby (7)
6. Charles Gillmartin (5)
6. Peter Just (5)
6. Johnny Mitchell (5)

Croquet News Fall 2009 Issue / The new issue of Croquet News hit my mail box yesterday. Mik Mehas is on the cover and other highlights include an interesting article on croquet presented at a kids sports conference in Florida and a detailed explanation on the USCA handicap system (I'm a 20). Don't be confused by the Summer 2009 cover date, I'm pretty sure it's the fall issue.

Nine-Wicket Flash Training / Long ago I had noticed videos on the old nine-wicket website about running breaks. It was just recently that I checked out the videos on the new site. I didn't realize they were upgraded to interactive flash videos. They are very well done and I would say they are essential viewing for anyone playing the nine-wicket game. I'd love to see one of these on the association triple and sextuple peels.

Two-Ball Break

Three-Ball Break

Four-Ball Break