News Clips: Sports Illustrated and Jerry Stark

Sports Illustrated is listening? The timing of this comment amused me:

"... and croquet balls to be tapped by belligerent believers who insist that it is the only worth-while game in the world."

Jerry Stark took the Meadowood Croquet Classic over Bob Van Tassell 26-0 in Mission Hills, CA. Full article from the San Francisco Chronicle.

Croquet Network moves again? If you've really followed this schizophrenic project, then you know it started on Blogger, moved to Squarespace, then moved back to Blogger. Now, we're back with Squarespace. Why? The short story is I had to tighten expenses over the summer and Squarespace is a paid host. I figured I could go back to Blogger and manage this thing for free. Wrong -- I missed too many of the features offered by Squarespace. Anyway, I figure no matter what, the cost is worth the time saved. Hopefully, it'll be smooth going forward, but the proof will be when I demonstrate some consistency. Hope you stick with us.

Winning a hoops tourney on a jump shot would be worth an NFL-type celebration. I love the kind of reporting on events they get down under. Sounds like quite a finals match.

Thank you India -- "The truly boring ones, like curling and croquet, are hardly sports ... "
Truly boring? Why don't you try the game and do a re-write? Maybe the positive is that we've been elevated to "hardly a sport."