Why Croquet Players Wear White

In short, croquet players wear white because of a tradition that carried over from tennis.

And that tradition is said to predate the All England Croquet and Tennis Club policy. Sources indicate that the all-white custom first started in 16th century France, where jeu de paume (an early version of tennis) was played. And yes, it was intended to give the sport an elite air, noting the expense of white outfits along with the additional costs of keeping those outfits clean.

Still, with tennis becoming much more open on the dress code, the question then becomes why does croquet still follow the tradition? For that we offer:


1. Well, it is often played in hot weather. Reflecting heat instead of absorbing it makes sense.

2. The folks at the white hat factory have to make a living too.

3. To avoid any sort of perceived affiliation with the balls. You can't let the balls think you have any sort of bias or preference or else a slighted ball could start to work against you.

4 Simplify your life. During your average tournament, you're going to make about three million strategic and tactical decisions. What to wear is one less thing to worry about.

5. It shows off your sweet tan?

6. Cyclists shave their legs, basketball players get tattoos and croquet players wear white. It's how you know you're in the club.

7. No one is bigger than the game.


No matter what, the practice still generates a lot of debate among croquet players. Some players love the tradition and claim it makes them feel special and that it sets the sport apart. Others, well … they just don’t feel comfortable in an all-white uniform. In my experience, that divided perspective follows a demographic trend with older players preferring the tradition and younger players less likely to be supportive. But, it’s always a fun conversation.