Solomon Trophy Update: Day 1 Second Round

Action proceeded on the first day into the second round with Great Britain leading 2-1. No matches were decided before end of the day, so Britain retains that lead. Results thus far for Round Two:

Round Two

US Patmore/Soo vs Le Moignan/Mulliner
Game 1: US Patmore/Soo +26TP
Game 2: GB Le Moignan/Mulliner +21TP
Tied 1-1

GB Burridge(U)/Maugham(k) vs Huneycutt(r)/Bast(y)
Game 1: US Huneycutt/Bast +18TP
US leads 1-0

US Grimsley/Rothman vs Lines/Patel

Game 1: US Grimsley and Rothman +1
US leads 1-0