2014 USCA Midwest Regionals-Day 1

TULSA, OKLAHOMA -- The 2014 USCA Midwest Regionals rolled out the balls at 8:00 a.m. this morning. In championship flight, it was two games of doubles and two games of singles for day one. Unfortunately, the scoresheets left the courts before I could take photos, so I will try to do better on that tomorrow.

I know that both Matt Griffith and Matt Smith went 2-0 in singles, but I don't know if any other players remain undefeated.

I watched a Matt Smith vs George Cochran block game, that featured an early break and leave by Cochran after penult. Smith went off court and Cochran started around again, but broke down at wicket four. The game then became pretty interactive and Smith worked his way back in.

The ending had an odd twist as both players thought that Smith had a one-wicket lead in last turns. The game was actually tied and had to go another round. Smith was able to peg out his ball for a 16-15 win.