Morning Coffee: GC Worlds YouTube Binge

The WCF Golf Croquet World Championship videos are piling ups and ready for binge watching on your favorite device. I prefer the XBox One personally on the 55-inch TV, but occasionally, I'll use the iPad as well. I'm sharing as fast as I can on the Croquet Nation video page, but Chris Clarke is definitely outpacing me. To stay up to date on his channel go directly to: Kruncher89. As of Monday evening, he had 18 videos already posted from the event.

And on to this week in croquet ...

BROMLEY IN THE MEDIA: The Sheboygan Press has a profile piece on Cheryl Bromley (US) with notes on here experience at the GCWC. "There is a stigma that croquet is for senior players, but it really isn’t. It’s for all ages and, when you compete in croquet, it’s against men and women."

WCF FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER: The WCF has posted their February Newsletter and it provides a list of the AC WTC Lower Tier teams to compete -- Tier 2.1 will be contested by teams representing Ireland (holders), Scotland, Spain and Wales. Tier 2.2 and 3 will be played as a merged event between teams representing Canada, the Czech Republic, Germany, South Africa and Sweden. Tiers 2.1, Tiers 2.2 and 3 will be held at Sussex County Croquet Club in England July 17-22, 2017.

MACROB STATS 3: In case you missed it, Part 3 of the MacRob Early Stats Preview posted here on Croquet Network.

TULSA AC INVITATIONAL: Croquet Network is hosting an Association Croquet event in Tulsa, Oklahoma, April 21-23, 2017. The event is AC singles and will be held at LaFortune Park in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Entry Fee $100 and lunches will not be included. Projected to be two to three games per day with 2.5 hour time limits. Email for more information.