Croquet Website Power Rankings - March 2017

The recent post from CWO on the website prompted me to take a look at the site rank for all of the prevalent croquet websites. Using independent sources along with a power formula the top 10 sites based on traffic stats over the are presented on the right. It's no surprise to see USCA website at the top of the rankings, but it should be noted that winter is the slow time for the USCA site.

Relative to the article that prompted this look, is indeed a formidible presence in the second slot. And notably, the newer website is a strong third place. 

Interestingly, set recent monthly records for traffic around the 2017 Mallet Directory and Poll and then followed with a big month centered around the success of Cheryl Bromley's Golf Croquet Worlds Player Journal, but still placed behind

Independent traffic monitoring sources are notoriously inconsistent in evaluating low-traffic sites, so the rankings should not be considered authoritative and you really to look at the standings over several periods to get a true feel for how the sites rank. We'll take another look in June.