Morning Coffee: High School Croquet, iPad Game and Over 50 GC

Catching up on the latest in croquet ...

Interesting news video on four high schools that are playing nine-wicket croquet in the Fargo, North Dakota area and are aiming to play a state championship next spring. The four schools that are playing include Moorhead, Shanley, West Fargo, and Fargo North.

Here's a review of a new croquet game for the iPad. I still don't have my hands on an iPad, so I won't be able to review this one.

The latest results from the WCF Over 50 GC World Championship are posted in the forum. For a summary on the action, check the front page of the WCF website.

Final standings from Nine-Wicket Nationals are available and have been posted in the forum.

The 100+ member Tega Cay Club in South Carolina also made a recent newscast:


Croquet Search Trends (May 2010)

With his impact on the croquet world, it was no surprise that Jerry Stark was the number search term to hit the site in May. Here is the complete May list for hottest trending croquet keywords that hit last month:

01. Jerry Stark
02. Wii Croquet
03. Morford Mallets
04. Pasadena Croquet Club
05. WCF for iPad
06. Eric Sawyer
07. Croquet Video Game
08. Croquet Piping Kennedy
09. Paula Mol
10. Croquet Magazine
11. Croquet Champions
12. Big Lobster Croquet
13. Sonoma Cutrer Croquet Tournament
14. Bennington Croquet League
15. American Way Magazine
16. Annapolis Croquet
17. Croquet Club Santa Fe
18. Golf Croquet Suburbiton
19. New Paltz Croquet
20. North American Open