Croquet Website Rankings (February 2011)

U.S. web traffic for the main croquet websites slowed quite a bit for February according to This comes as no surprise as for most of the country February represents the peak of the offseason. Already Croquet Network is seeing a boost for March as the weather starts to warm up and malletheads across the nation dream of green grass and the clicking of mallets.

This month represents a slight change in the reporting as we have decided it is more appropriate to track visits versus uniques. The big three websites continue to shift around at the top, but a small surprise showed up as the Croquet New Zealand site registered on the U.S. chart.

FEBRUARY / VISITS (Previous Rank)
01. - 3,510 (1)
02. - 1,437 (3)
03. - 1,378 (2)
04. - 93 (-)

Source: (U.S. domestic traffic)
Please note that generally seems to under-report traffic, especially for what are considered low-traffic sites.